With the Shiromani Akali Dal (SAD) naming former minister Surjit Singh Rakhra as its candidate, the Patiala Lok Sabha seat is likely to witness a triangular contest. While Dr Dharamvira Gandhi is already in the fray as PDA (Punjab Democratic Alliance) nominee, former Union Minister Preneet Kaur is almost certain to be fielded by the Congress.
While Rakhra enjoys a good rapport with the common people, Preneet Kaur has been nurturing the constituency for over two decades. Dr Gandhi is too a popular figure in the area.
Rakhra, a former MLA from Samana, has been active in Patiala since the past two years though his candidature was cleared only last week. Sources say that at a meeting in Barnala, SAD president Sukhbir Singh Badal told the party cadre to roll up their sleeves and work for “Rakhra’s win”. Rakhra replaces Deepinder Singh Dhillon who has rejoined the Congress.
Known for his proximity to former CM Parkash Singh Badal, Rakhra has begun campaigning in right earnest, addressing almost 24 public meetings every day. Meanwhile, Preneet Kaur, the Congress frontrunner for the Patiala ticket, will be touring all nine Assembly segments in phases. “It’s a long election campaign, and I don’t want party workers to be exhausted. I have been meeting people for almost six months now, covering every village in the constituency”, she says.
Sitting MP Dr Gandhi says both the BJP and Congress are feudal parties and will be rejected by the electorate. “What I have done in my constituency in five years, Preneet Kaur could not in 10 years”, says Gandhi, who has won over Punjab farmers by backing their demand for lifting the ban on poppy cultivation.
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